Sacagawea Starport
February 8, 3305
Imperial Cutter "Temeraire"Skaudai CH-B d14-3411,797 light years from Sol
Imperial Cutter "Temeraire"
Skaudai CH-B d14-34
11,797 light years from Sol

Finally i’ve made landfall at Sacagawea Starport, in the heart of the Skaudai Nebula. The Temeraire is still functioning admirably, but she is now benefitting from some TLC in dock while I take a much needed wander around the port.
I believe this starport was built as part of the chain of ports linking Colonia with the bubble – it’s amazing how it has grown into a proper community here in such a short time.

On the way in we got to see the Skaudai Nebula – a beautiful sight from a few systems over.