Outfitting Explorer’s Anchorage
Imperial Cutter "Temeraire" 1C3-DWStuemeae FG-Y d7561 (Explorer's Anchorage)25,900 light years from Sol
The community goal for XA is now in full swing. I decided that I would join in the CG and go mining. Unfortunately as there is no shipyard facility at Explorer’s Anchorage to bring my mining ship Brunel across, I will have to outfit Temeraire to go mining.
After much consideration I chose my loadout and with the help of some information on the bulletin boards at the station I found a likely spot to find the desired materials and set off.

Despite an interesting encounter with ring lifeforms, I soon became frustrated with mining oxygen and water, and changed my focus to Bauxite.
I also uprated Temeraire’s system to handle more than 3 collector limpets at a time – this made mining a breeze and since then i’ve mined my way onto the CG in the top 25% slot. I aim to go out and do more mining in the next day or so, just to sustain my position in the CG.