Polo Harbour
Imperial Cutter "Temeraire" 1C3-DWBoewnst KS-S c20-959 (Polo Harbour / The Venetian Nebula)17,590 light years from Sol
Temeraire is down and safe at Polo Harbour and is being serviced and reprovisioned ready to push on. She is still performing magnificently but her hull is starting to look a little shabby, so I have also checked her in for freshening up her paint job – who knows when the opportunity will present itself again?

Polo Harbour, another Colonia Connection Highway outpost, is located in the heart of the Venetian Nebula. I arrived during local night and the sky was spectacularly lit by the nebula. There is a lot of activity here, I seem to have caught up with the main push of the expedition.

From here, Colonia is only 4,800 light years away – this is the closest we’ll get on the expedition route. I had hoped to get here earlier so I could go visit, but maybe that’s a pleasure saved for the return journey.
We’ve reached another milestone on the journey too – this is the end of stage 1. Stage 2 and the heart of the galaxy awaits!