Mitchell’s Legacy to the Clockwork Rings
Imperial Cutter "Temeraire" 1C3-DWByaa Ain QA-J c11-144 (Clockwork Rings)16,752 light years from Sol
Temeraire continues to function well, all systems nominal.

We passed by Mitchell’s Legacy without incident. I had intended to spend more time here, but in the end the decision was made to continue on quickly as the next waypoint was soon to be announced.

Despite this, I couldn’t help but slow down a little when I encountered an undiscovered and unmapped system containing two water worlds.

Making a low pass over the moon, I witnessed the host world rising over the plain and was instantly reminded of the ancient image of Earth rising over the plains of Earth’s moon as taken by the Apollo 8 mission.
Leaving the system behind I headed for the Clockwork Rings, intrigued by the name of this system.

They didn’t disappoint. The planets’ rings are perpendicular to each-other allowing both a spectacular view and the opportunity to try “threading the needle” at high speed with Temeraire.

I spent a little while here, flying through and around the ring systems of both planets.
It was getting late, and I was starting to get tired so I headed away from the Clockwork Rings and eventually overnighted in a system a few jumps away on the route to Polo Harbour.