Tourist Trap
Dbx "Alexei Leonov" NH-16DBD+22 3878 "Dumbbell Nebula"Distance from Sol: 1,100 ly
Three days and five hours into the trip, the Alexei Leonov is functioning nominally, no problems to report.
After an overnight stop at VV Cephei, I spent some time perusing the star maps before deciding on my next destination… and in a moment of madness I ended up doubling back to go see a point of interest – the Dumbbell Nebula.

The nebula is exquisite from nearby systems, small but delicate in beautiful shades of blue and pink. It is formed from the remains of a giant star that had shed its material and collapsed into a white dwarf. The nebula has the distinction of being the first planetary nebula to be discovered on old Earth in 1764.

Modern-day tourism seems to have caught up with it, even as remote from the bubble as it is. The water world BD+22 3878 5 has an orbiting “Tranquility’s Stop” tourism installation, which was buzzing with activity when I stopped by. It’s not my cup of tea though – I prefer to get out in the Black and make my own way.